About Project
Project topic: Towards a human rights approach for mental health patients with a limited capacity: a legal, ethical and clinical perspective
Project number: lzp-2020/1-0397
Project promoter: University of Latvia (LU)
Project manager: Solvita Olsena (LU)
LU leading project implementation department unit: Faculty of Medicine
The project implementation period: 01.01.2021. – 01.11.2024.
Total project funding: 296 844 EUR
The overall aim of this project is to encourage the development of a human rights approach to patients with limited capacity legally and clinically in Latvia.
Objectives: 1) to study prevalence, characteristics and needs of patients with limited capacity in Latvian medical and psychiatry institutions; 2) to study the public’s attitudes, concerns and needs in providing care of patients with limited capacity; 3) to study medical professionals’ attitudes, concerns and needs in the care for patients with limited capacity; 4) to study national and international regulations, legal and bioethics theories as well as legal practice safeguarding the rights of patients with limited capacity in Latvia and in EU; 5) to develop recommendations for improvement of legal regulations, governance and clinical practice to safeguard rights of patients with limited capacity; 6) to improve the knowledge of society, scientific community and health care professionals in protection of patients with limited capacity issues.
Implementation of the project will generate new scientific data on the topic which concerns the high number of patients in daily clinical practice and will contribute to the development of the human rights approach to health care of adult patients with limited capacity in Latvia (short-, mid- and longtime impacts).
Although the project will not directly generate technological knowledge, it will contribute to the development of new medical technologies, by providing recommendations on proper protection of research subjects and patients with limited capacities.